Character inspo: Topster

HUGE REVELATION: it all began with super villain Topster. That’s right, the whole shebang that is The Landskapë Saga started with the blonde, arrogant, big-headed Master in blue.

Read more below the image.

character_inspo_topster.pngTopster did something as bold as come into my head fully formed with all his strengths, his flaws and his weaknesses. Now, I can’t be sure of the exact percentage, but for some reason he looked an awful lot like T.O.P from my favourite Korean pop band Big Bang. His eyes carried the same intensity and bottomless depth, his body language was as exact and self-conscious. Even the cool, silky smooth aura which I admired so in this rapping k-pop star carried through to what was to become a key character to the entire plot of The Landskapë Saga.

I imagine they speak the same way: in a low voice, without the need to shout for attention. A round, dark and rich voice with small movements in the mouth. Unless he speaks from anger. When wrath wraps itself around his words he grows taller, he widens, and his entire being becomes monstrous, but only in our perception of it. Then he pulls back, back to his composed and poised self. A low voice, demanding to be listened to without asking for attention. It gets it anyway.

It began with Topster, with him and Sofia, and it remains to be seen whether that’s where we also find the end to the saga. Rest assure, however, wherever you are in the story, that you have not yet seen the last of my dear, dear Topster.

xoxo N.