2014: the year of writing!

Last year I vowed to take my writing more seriously – and I think I did. I entered competitions, I finished a first draft of a novel (second draft ongoing!), and I entered “writer” in my description on Twitter. And I started telling people I am writing a book.

This year, I will continue my journey towards becoming a writer and I have, in this spirit, set up some wonderful rules.

1. Write every day!

2. Always walk in your characters’ shoes. Be THERE!

3. Stop a daily session when you still want to continue. It keeps the spirit up. 

4. Write with confidence – this is YOUR story. A written text can be edited, but a blank sheet cannot.

5. Be a writer: i.e. act as one.

It’s the ‘being’ a writer that’s the difficult part. We’re all kinds of different things in life: a daughter, a father, a student, a lawyer, a friend. Just like all of these, ‘being’ a writer comes with certain obligations as well as rights. I’d like to honour these in 2014. I’d like to honour the privilege of ‘being’ a writer. Embrace its restrictions and swim in its freedom.

2014 is the year of writing. My goal is to finish my novel and begin the path of publication.

What are your writing goals?
