Gamma feedback!

Eight Bridges is under way, but it’s not quite yet at beta stage – so I shall call today’s session gamma feedback. An avid reader and very clever person kindly agreed to be part of the editing process of Eight Bridges so a few weeks ago I sent her part I to read. And today was the big day – feedback!

It went well, overall. I do have a lot of work to do, but the text needs enriching rather than rewriting. So far. I received valuable comments on characterisation and plot, questions about tricky concepts and themes from the first book that might need a tad more explanation. Also, her questions told me that those sneaky traps I’m placing are working … Very happy with that!

Next step: go through part II so that I can send it to her + rework part I and send it to my next beta reader.

After a long time struggling, I’ve finally found the joy in writing again. And though this book needs a lot of work, so much it makes me want to cry a little bit, I’m also excited about bringing this story to life and continuing Freja’s adventures across the landskapës. I hope you’ll join me!

If you’d be interested in an eArc when that time comes, please comment below or message me on Facebook!

Happy writing & reading y’all!
xoxo N.